Reporting Party (RP): A Case Study

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Reporting party (RP) stated that on 03/5/18, Captain de Lambert and crew (FD) received a 911 call for shortness of breath for a resident at the facility. When FD arrived at the facility, they found resident Dorothy Kubotacordery (DOB: 04/02/43) presenting with a "Glasgow Corna Scale 3" and in severe respiratory distress. The resident was slumped and tilted backward in a seated walker within a private room. The director stated in from of FD crew that the last time the resident was seen norma was at 1500 hours. The 911 call was initiated at 1513 hours. The resident was transported to Marin General Hospital (MGH) where they were alerted of early stroke according to their assessment. Shortly after arrive to MGH, the resident went to cardiac arrest.

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