Repeating Elaborative Rehearsal

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Maintenance rehearsal is when you repeat a unit of information to keep it in or bring it back into your working memory. Eventually this constant repetition and retrieval would encode the information into your long-term memory. However, this takes a lot of repetitions over time to occur. (Goldstein, 2015, p. 180)An example of this would be repeating a phone number until you dial it. If you’re trying to memorize something like a speech you take part in maintenance rehearsal. However, I know from experience that this can take months of constant practice. Maintenance rehearsal involves memorization instead of critical thinking so it is believed not to be as effective for encoding long-term. To take part in maintenance rehearsal you have to repeat …show more content…

Elaborative rehearsal is when you use critical thinking or tricks like mnemonic devices to remember concepts (Goldstein, 2015, p. 180). There are several examples of using critical thinking. One would be when you ask questions and answer them through lengthy answers. This is why you tend to do better in classes that you have a lot of homework or quizzes in. You have been taking part in elaborative rehearsal all throughout the semester. There are several different forms of elaborative rehearsal. In order to do one form of elaborative rehearsal either think of questions to answer or even find the review questions that accompany a text, then come up with the most in depth answer you can. Another way is be organizing the information in your mind by creating a framework that relates the different units of information together is also elaborative rehearsal (Goldstein, 2015, p. 202). Another way to take part in elaborative rehearsal is to use Mnemonic devices. Mnemonic devices are when you use something like rhyming or acronyms to encode information that is otherwise difficult to remember into your long term memory (Goldstein, 2015, p. 157). One Mnemonic device I still remember is “Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally.” If you take the P, E, M, D, A, and S, they all stand for something else but it’s easier to remember that phrase than a string of letters. They stand for Parenthesis, Exponents, Multiplication, Division,

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