Remembrance Day

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Please take a moment to think about war. I don't mean the general topic, imagine yourself in the middle of nowhere, a gun aimed at someone's forehead. It’s your life or theirs. What gives you the right to take someone's life? They enforce that it's for the greater good. It’s all to save people's lives, and kill almost as many as you do save. War is dark and there is no getting around that. Many people don't come back the same. Many lives have been irreversibly changed for the worse. Don't think about the collective, think about the singular. This is a mere section of a letter from a person named Thomas Harold Watts, part of a reserve, written during the first world war.

“We live in a trench and it is a mercy it don’t rain otherwise we’d be …show more content…

This is what so many people went through to secure your future. You live a formal life going to school, going to your jobs, and these heroes went to hell and back and lived to tell the tale. There were many who didn't make it back. This is why we have remembrance day. To honour our of our soldiers that perished to secure your life. During the first world war, it’s estimated that around 37 million people died. Then you’re here mad because you can’t hang out with some friends tonight. Next time you want to complain about how your life is so hard, think about war. Don't forget all the other war as well! The cold war, world war 2, the civil war, the 7-year war. Millions of people have had to go through this nightmare for centuries, each time getting worse and worse with the advance of weaponry. To many, the death tally is just a number, but each one is a person just like you or I. Each person had a family, a childhood, a life. As we move forward, wars won't stop. It’s a necessary evil, and no matter how hard you hope and pray, the dream of world peace with stay that way, a dream. As Long as there are sentient beings in this world, the fight for power will remain. And as we move ahead, as we change, Remember, War… War never

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