Religion Vs Cult

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Words can be used in many different ways. The implication of a word can mean different thing to different people. For some, words can be offensive and impolite. For others, words can be empowering and motivational. The term "cult" is a term with a negative connotation to it. The term cult is no longer used to describe religious groups with unique beliefs. This term's connotations brings to mind groups that cause mayhem and disorder. This term was originally used to describe groups of people that have similar beliefs towards a particular figure. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the term cult is "a system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object." In everyday usage, Cult is a term that …show more content…

Religion has a similar meaning compared to cult. The word cult evokes feelings of violence and torture while the word religion brings to mind peace and spirituality. Both words can describe people coming together for one common idea. Some of the world's major religions started out as cults. Society accepts Christianity, Islam, and other belief systems as religions compared to cults. It is the few bad organizations that give the word cult a bad connotation to it. It is the society that characterizes cults as those extremist groups that do despicable things. The difference between religion and cult is the connotation, one is good the other is bad. Furthermore, the reason people join cults is because they offer connections, a feeling of identity, and an opportunity. People who feel shunned from society join cults to feel acceptance towards something. Cults reprogram the way people see the world. You will see cult do bad things but in their mind, they are doing it for the greater good for their cult's beliefs. The people in cults find their identity and have an opportunity to make a contribution to the good of their cult. Cults usually induce powerful emotions of fear and guilt toward their member in order for them to do certain

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