Religion In Frankenstein

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The novel Frankenstein by Mary Shelley is focused on the achievements of a young man named Victor. He was very intelligent from a young age. He was sent off to college, where he pursue his contribution in the advancement of science. During his time in college, Victor decided he wanted to create life in a human being as an experiment, but it didn't turn out how he expected. Victor didn't know how he had created such a terrible monster who he had named Frankenstein. The creation of this trouble human being lead to Victor being ill, so he had his good friend Henry Clerval be his nurse until he recovered. One afternoon Victor is told the news of his brother being killed back home in Geneva, after his mother died due to a week of illness. The family believed it was their servant who had killed Victor's beloved brother. In reality, it was Frankenstein, the terrible monster, who had killed him. The monster also killed Victor's wife, Elizabeth. Victor was tired of seeing many of his relative being killed , that he decided to go after the monster, but it only lead him to being in a boat. Later on Victor dies, then the monster Frankenstein cries and decides to go to the arctic to die. …show more content…

The most popular religions during this century were Catholicism and Christianity. One of the most important beliefs of these religions is that God is the only one capable of creating life. In the novel , Mary Shelley casted doubt on the existence of God and the power of religion, by showing the audience that man can create life. Victor used science to create life rather than God himself. He uses his goal of creating life and disproves the most important belief. Therefore, if this belief was a lie then the whole religion itself must have been

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