Relationships In Brave New World

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In the book Brave New World by Aldous Huxley characters have different views on the world that they live in. Three specific characters in the book, Lenina Crowne a Beta, Bernard Marx an Alpha-Plus, and John also known as the “Savage”. Bernard and Lenina live in London, the savage lives on a Reservation. They all have various view on things, those views are influenced by where they live and the things they were raised around. The way Lenina treats relationships is the way they are conditioned to act. On page 57 it says “She was a popular girl and, at one time or another, had spent a night with almost all of them ”. In this world that they live in, it is extremely unusual for them to get married or have any type of relationship, also for them …show more content…

When things go wrong or they aren’t feeling the best they take it and it clears their mind for a little bit. Lenina cannot live without soma, this is her reaction to her forgetting her soma on page 75 “... she has left the bottle down at the rest-house. Bernard’s pockets were also empty. Lenina was left to face the horrors of Malpais unaided.” At the beginning of the book, Bernard wasn't the biggest fan of soma but after awhile he started using it. “Ashamed, now that the effects of the soma had worn off, of the weakness he had displayed that morning in the hotel, he went out of his way to show himself strong and unorthodox.” (76). Soma makes him feel better and stronger since there was a rumor that there was “Alcohol in his blood-surrogate” (59). People said this because he was weird and looked different than everyone else. The savage didn’t know anything about soma, he just knew that when him and his mother got to London that is all she wanted to take. On page 104 the doctor explains to him what the soma is doing to his mother he responds with “But aren’t you just shortening her life by giving her so much?” he knows the soma is killing her. He unlike the other character cares about his mother, unlike them where they don’t have feelings for anyone but

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