Relationships Between Michonne And Rick From The Series Of The Walking Dead

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Relationships differ in cultures. Sometimes relationships can be voluntary or involuntary, they can be romantic, or nonromantic. There are times when relationships are not planned and a situation can involve two people. Assuming that relationships are voluntary and partners are consented; the seven stages of relationships can be applied. According to this model, a relationship is optional and it can be withdrawn at any time. Although this is not suitable to all types of relationships for example, arranged marriages, or even more complex relationships involving children. I believe an example of relationship development is the relationship between Michonne and Rick from the series of The Walking dead. Slowly, I believe Michonne and Rick throughout the series did not see each other as a couple, but as the more time they spent together, gradually they became more intimate and started trusting each other more. I will be identifying which stages Rick and Michonne are experiencing. …show more content…

Appearances, like how friendly someone may appear or how open you are towards that person. Looking back, at Rick’s and Michonne’s perceptual contact was a totally out of the ordinary since Michonne showed up with a Katana sword and two zombies tied by their necks which she was utilizing to camouflage herself. Rick’s initial perception of Michonne was danger and therefore, his attitude towards her was rough and almost neglectful. Although Rick would push Michonne away he started to realize Michonne had good intentions. One night Michonne and Rick became more involved with one another once MIchonne confessed to him she once had a family of her own, with a husband and a child. This is the part where Rick realized they were not as different as he thought they were. Rick has children as well. Deliberately, Rick and Michonne stared spending more time together and starter to see each other’s

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