Relationship Between Cannabis And Schizophrenia

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Cannabis and Schizophrenia are completely different yet both have a wide variety of effects on the body and mind. Both not entirely understood, they have been the subjects of individual studies in order to gain more knowledge of their separate physical and mental effects. However, new studies have come to light that have highlighted the correlation between the two. Now scientists have realized the susceptibility to one might result in the susceptibility of the other, caused by deficiencies in the brain affected by both the substances. Many studies have confirmed marijuana use has increased the risk for mental illness within users. Underlying neurobiology within schizophrenia has been shown to increase the risk of people with the disease to use marijuana. Many studies have been conducted and will continue to be conducted in order to show the strength between cannabis and schizophrenia. People who use cannabis are extremely more likely to show symptoms of psychosis while people with the disease are more likely to abuse marijuana. Schizophrenia, a mental disorder, distorts perception, interpersonal relationships, perception, expression of …show more content…

The brain and other organs are then exposed to it once contaminated blood flows through the body. If the substance is consumed through food or drink, it has been proven that the effects of the drug take longer to show effect on the body. The chemical effects cell receptors within the brain. These receptors would normally react to chemicals that might resemble THC, and regulate normal activity and development. Concentrated areas where these receptors are located are thrown into overdrive, and can cause sensations that users would consider a “high”. Some of these effects are compromised memory, difficulty controlling body movement, changes in senses, altered moods, impaired ability to think and solve problems, and a skewed sense of

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