Regulation Of Sexuality In Kinsman's The Creation Of Homosexuality As A Social Problem

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Sexuality has long been the ultimate subject of moral regulation projects. In Hunt’s Governing Morals, the regulation of sexuality is introduced via Hunt’s description of the historical timeline of various phases of moral regulation campaigns. Conversely, in Kinsman’s “The Creation of Homosexuality as a Social Problem”, Marxist’s analogies, as well as the role social relations and are utilized to explain the regulation of sexuality. While there are commonalities between the two authors in their approach to the governance of sexuality, each provides their own unique twist on the topic of such regulation. To understand Hunt’s approach to the regulation of sexuality, it is critical to have a historical understanding of the 19th century, a time …show more content…

Kinsman makes the key argument that class, economy and sexuality are not mutually exclusive concepts, but are actually interconnected. The idea of historical materialism dominates Kinsman’s approach to regulation of sexuality. Historical materialism is parallel to the Marxist’s concept of dialectical materialism: the history of struggle for control over material. Thus, when historical materialism is applied to “queers,” it demonstrates a vast amount of historical conflict oppression under the ‘natural’ appearance of heterosexuality. Thus, sexuality is historically and socially made, and there is a struggle maintain the status quo. The ‘normalization’ of certain sexual relationships demonstrates the social nature of sexuality and is the crux of Kinsman’s argument: sex is primarily a social activity and is subsequently moulded via social relations. For example, homosexuality in contemporary society is more socially accepted than it was in the 19th century, even though homosexuality has existed since time …show more content…

For example, we are assigned our gender based on physiology at birth, but the gendered identity roles society expects us to adhere to are entirely socially created. Hence, the social expectation of our gendered identities creates a ‘natural attitude’ toward sexuality, one based on hegemonic heterosexuality. It can be deduced that this social context underlining sexuality is so engrained in society that it almost becomes invisible, thus, comes to be seen an ‘innate.’ However, this invisibility is threatened when something comes to violate the ‘natural’ attitude, namely

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