Regret In Louis Boone's The Saddest Summary Of Life

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Louis Boone an American author once said, “The saddest summary of life contains three descriptions: could have, might have, and should have”. These descriptions come under one general term. They are what is commonly known as regrets. We often use the word “regret” in our sentences without thinking too much. It’s almost like second nature to us. Especially when there’s an internal due, some of the most common phrases you’ll hear will be “I regret not starting earlier” or “I regret losing concentration while studying with my friends last night” or I regret not studying harder for this test” So what exactly is regret? Regret is used to define acts we committed but wish we hadn’t, or acts we didn’t commit but wish we had. Everyone has regrets, …show more content…

We have all, at some stage, been affected by the guilt of something that we have said or done. We often wondered about whether it was the right thing to do after the event had passed. We have all experienced regret so I’m sure you can agree that regret feels horrible. The truth is, we cannot get rid of regret, not entirely. However, we can learn to live with it. We all experience regret differently and therefore, we all have different ways of coping with it. For me, in my experience, I've found that humour and food are a great combination with it comes to combating regrets. No matter how serious the mistake may seem it’s super easy to just to laugh it off when you’re surrounded by chocolate, ice cream and your friends. Regrets are a very common part of life. Everyone experiences regret so we should try find comfort in its universality. After all, since regret is a very ordinary occurrence, there’s always bound to be someone in the same position. But on the very small possibility there’s just you, it’s said that time heals all wounds. After a certain amount of time, you might happen to forget what you were regretting about . Over short time periods, people are more likely to regret actions taken and mistakes made, whereas over long time periods, they are more likely to regret actions not taken. This means that we need to be able to let go of our regrets and keep moving

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