Reflective Summative Assessments

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The formative assessments that will be used throughout this lesson are direct observations, student participation, and collection of the Fairy Tale Maps. I will use the direct observations to elicit direct feedback, by looking at what the students are completing and then giving them feedback accordingly. I will walk around and see how the students are doing on the task they were asked to complete. Based on what I observe, I will be able to see which students are able to complete the task and which students are still having a difficult time with it. Based on what I see, I will continue with my lesson or stop the students, explain the material again, provide guided practice and then allow them to try their independent work. The way I will …show more content…

When the students are participating, I will give them verbal confirmation. If their answer is not correct, I will say “not quite” and then I will pick another students to share. For direct observations, I will also give the students verbal feedback. If I see students doing something really well, I will verbally let them know. If a student is not quite grasping the task, I will help him or her accordingly. I will sit down with them and I will explain that I can see they are having a difficult time with the task, and then I will allow the student to explain their troubles. I will give them verbal confirmation that they have a better understanding of the task, after we have worked together. While I am looking at the students’ work, I will also allow them to evaluate their work and provide their own feedback. This will allow them to reflect and monitor their own learning. If I agree with what they said, I will explain that I agree with their feedback. If do not agree, I will explain what I am seeing and then I will help the student accordingly. For the collections of their materials, I will write the feedback on their work. If they did really well, I will let them know. If there is something they need to work on, I will state that on their

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