Reflective Reflection About Teachers

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This week has been one of the most educational week of the summer. I strongly believe that receiving information on the positions we hope to obtain and heeding to the expectations from professionals who are seeking employees to work in their campus, is imperative information that prospecting teachers and administrators essentially need. It is also important that we understand the proper and effective way to conduct a PLC. We also learned what to expect in our first year of teaching. We learned about the emotion and the stress that is placed on a first year teacher. It is very important that a first year teacher stays motivated and remembers why they became a teacher. A first year teacher should never be afraid to ask and should …show more content…

She made me think on how valuable it is to be failure with all aspects of social media. I now believe to be an effective teacher you want to know what the internet has to offer. By becoming knowledgeable on subjects like social media, you allow yourself to develop relationship with your students by understanding their social media outlet. A teacher wants to know what is out there on the internet for them to take back to the classroom and incorporate it into the students learning. I will keep up with the latest resources by staying connected to groups and other social media sites that introduce these new tools for teachers. I will also such around and see what I can find on my own and see if I can use the program with my students. If it is found to be effective, I will share with other teachers online and at my work. I believe if more teachers were interested in becoming technologic savvy, that they would find that their job can be a lot easier and their students would probably get more out of learning. Teenagers have a respect for a grown up if they know what they are into and how to use it. My kids are always telling me that I think I am young because I know too much about social media, but then again they are always coming to me to figure things out, so who is the smarter

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