Reflective Essay: The First Generation Indian-American Young Women

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Having been the first generation Indian-American young woman, I have often challenged the cultural beliefs of India that are practiced by my parents and elders within my home. I myself have grown up with the principles of freedom and equality across gender and race to be self-evident. However, in some countries outside of the United States, it is still common to think that women are incapable of performing the same tasks as men. In my upbringing, this concept was repeatedly forced upon me to override any Western ideologies taught in this free enviroment. It is these beliefs that I have challenged all my life to stand up for myself and tried to change their perspective towards females. Women are no less than men, they are only equal to, if not …show more content…

On the other hand, men are encouraged to pursue further education to become a sole financial provider for their future family. The differences made between female and male in my family were very unreasonable, I could not stand them as they were very degrading towards one gender. I understood that this type of rigid thinking was ingrained within my family because of lack of education and limited exposure to the outside world. India has established strict gender roles that everyone obeys unquestionably such as my family. Having grown up in a different environment, I strongly oppose this way of thinking. As a young woman, I want myself and other aspiring women to become successful adults. My family and I have been raised in two very different environments and, often, contentions arise because of our contradicting social upbringings. Based on Indian culture, we would always look to the elders for guidance, but I have realized that I need to stand up for myself and my morals even if that means standing alone. Due to our differences in beliefs, my family has shunned me for couple years, they have never been able to conform with the Western ideologies. Even so, I have continued to fight for my freedom and rights as a

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