Reflective Essay On Service Learning Experience

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Since I have been in college, the difference in the amount of work and content of the assignments has allowed me to adapt my academic skills. The first thing that I noticed in my new surroundings is that I had poor time management and procrastinated even the smallest assignments. After having spent some time to settle in to the environment, I developed a stronger, more organized sense of time management. Having developed this skill, I have allowed myself to take part in the academic resources that UMBC has to offer such as the writing center, the Shriver center, and the career development center. The writing center, located on the first floor of the A.O.K. Library behind the reference desk, is a great resource in the UMBC library, for it assists students in making their writing stronger. Many students struggle with writing long essays, which is a prevalent activity in college level courses. Even those who have strong writing abilities can benefit from the writing center, as they …show more content…

Many students who have taken advantage of the service learning opportunities have reported that they have had a more clear career goal after the experience. The many different sites provide a variety of hands on learning in many fields, allowing students to gain a better understanding in community involvement. Just recently I had signed up to do a service learning project through the Shriver center. Although it was for an alternative project for one of my classes, I believe that it will be a wonderful learning experience. I feel that this resource is extremely helpful as it has given me the motivation to get out and explore community based careers. I am excited to be a part of the site that I have chosen, and I have high hopes that this experience will give me some ideas and better understand what kind of career I may want to be a part

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