Reflective Essay On My Writing Experience

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Analyzing, competing, and logic all come naturally to me. These are indicators that I am more left-brain dominant. This may explain why creative activities such as writing have always been more of a weakness for me. This feeling manifested itself in middle school as I had several teachers who felt that my writing were sub-par. While I had heard of “math anxiety”, I began to develop “writing anxiety”. Yet, I witnessed first-hand, particularly in my summer jobs, how important the ability to write well is for one’s career and I knew I had to overcome my fear. I needed a well-designed program to strengthen my right brain and improve my writing skills. I became more hopeful about my writing ability in my junior year of high school when my English teacher, Ms. Huntley, approached me and suggested that I take the URI writing class because I was a “pretty good writer”. I had never heard myself described like that before. Her feedback changed my view of myself and it lowered my anxiety and gave me the encouragement and confidence to enroll in the URI writing class. I was very interested in earning college credit. I asked many students who had taken the URI writing class about it. They said that they worked harder in the class than they had in any class before. When I …show more content…

I also improved my organization. While this still remains a challenge for me, I believe that I’m still improving in this area. Through the semester, I realized that before I even start to write I need to have my thoughts and research as complete as possible. When I did not do this my writing was confusing. I absolutely now know that I must make a list of ideas, facts, and think through the organization before I start writing sentences or the final product is really never as good as if I had started it

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