Reflection Essay

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As children my brother and I made the best of what we had around us. Our small town was split down the middle by the Southern Railway which led to my brother becoming an avid train enthusiast, a hobby he enjoys to this day. I found other opportunities on the train tracks, the local library. My mother never approved of it but we walked those tracks several times per week as it was the shortest, albeit not safest, route to the treasures our library held.
That same love of reading carried over into public school library as well. I did not just read books, I devoured them, so much so that my school media specialist made exceptions for me so that I could check out more than the allotted two books per weekly visit. I carried this zeal to middle …show more content…

Fresh out of college I wanted to enjoy myself before embarking on the journey of adult life but quickly realized I had better look for a job to pay some bills while I sought my “dream” career. I stumbled across two listings, a full-time clerical position at the main library and a part-time position at one of the branch locations. So I applied for both, figuring either way it was an income.
From day one of my newly acquired position I was hooked. I had no clue that there was so much involved in the operation of a public library and I simply could not get enough of it. I worked as hard as I could in order to finish my duties so I could venture into other sections and absorb as much as possible.
I spent three years in Collection Development learning the nuances of building and maintaining a collection. My three years as a technician in Reference Services taught me the challenges of public service, the benefit of Interlibrary Loan, and gave me my first real brush with how technology could be utilized at the library in the form of public Internet access.
I fell in love with all aspects of technology from using, building computers and repairing them, to teaching people how to use them. And as luck would have it things were about to change at my library as we had secured funding to establish an Automation Services section to handle the explosion of technology that was well …show more content…

And I answer the same way every time, no. Technology is amazing and has become one of the cornerstones of library service but I enjoy reading a book as much as an eBook. I pick up the latest copy of PC World from the periodicals wall as often as I use Zinio. And of course I prefer a great Reference Librarian to Google any day. Technology is vital to libraries but technology alone will not allow libraries to survive. Like people, like me, they need to grow and evolve.
So why pursue my MLS now? I have been with my library system for eighteen years. I have climbed the ladder from entry level clerk to library management. The answer to that is simple. I have worked very hard using the skills and passions I possess to try and make my local library system a better place for our patrons. Along the way I have improved myself and I have been given more opportunities to make a difference. Yet I feel like I still have more I can accomplish.
Simply put, I need to do this, for me and for my library system. I need to keep pushing myself in order to help push my library forward.
I believe the program at East Carolina will allow me to do this. It has a solid foundation but is also designed with convenience in mind for working adults. It is backed by ALA accreditation. And already I have learned from just a few questions and emails, it is guided by knowledgeable and genuinely caring

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