Reflection About Marriage

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Marriage is a dream that even young children yearn for. At an early age, many let their minds wander on who they will marry, what their spouse will be like or look like, or when they will get married. As some get older, they will be curious as to what a marriage means and what characteristics they desire in a wife or husband. Numerous young adults will start to feel like the whole “marriage” thing is becoming real. Young peoples will intentionally look for potential spouses that share the same beliefs, values, morals, and mission. Finding someone who will love and stay even when ugly parts of oneself are revealed are what a countless amount of people want. Moreover, a godly marriage is what the Lord delights in because He created it. Marriage …show more content…

Guarding my heart in the Lord is the most important element that plays into this. Proverbs 4:23 says, “Guard your heart above all else, for it is the source of life.” Since I cannot control this goal completely, I will keep this verse hidden in my heart. Realistically, Josh and I could not end up getting married. Anything could happen. We could break up. A death could occur. Maybe God will intervene and have something else planned for us besides marriage. Making sure I am in tune with God and His will for both of our lives will be imperative, though. Also, frequently talking to Josh about preparing for the next step and continuing to pursue each other is a big deal in this. Reading the bible will also lead to success in this goal. Learning what it means to be a wife and what a husband to look like is …show more content…

There will be times where we disagree, our personalities will clash, we will argue, and hurt each other. However, I wholeheartedly believe we can work past it. I desire to paint this beautiful picture with Josh of how Christ loves the church in our marriage. Relying on the Lord and loving Him more than we love each other will cause everything to fall into place in our lives. We will have tough seasons and hardships, ones that I cannot foresee right now, but I know we would be able to come out on the other side stronger than we were

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