Red Riding Hood Book Comparison

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A reoccurring theme in today’s society is turning once great, but now outdated movies into big screen productions. These updated movies include better graphics and modern actors, but tend to greatly stray from the original film. An example of this is the 2006 and 2011 movie versions of Red Riding Hood. The 2011 version is updated with better graphics and a modern female protagonist; however, is strays from the breathtaking 2006 version in the aspects of plot, character structure and theme. Red Riding Hood 2006 portrays a young teenage girl. One day she makes the unwise decision to take a trip to her grandmother’s house. Before leaving, her mother warns her not to take the shorter path through the woods, but she refuses to listen. Once in the woods, a man on a great white horse approaches Red. The man warns Red not to stray in the woods due to a lurking werewolf. After the man leaves Red, …show more content…

In this short story, a little girl walks through the woods to visit her grandmother. When she arrives at her grandmother’s house, she makes the terrifying discovery that a wolf has eaten her grandmother. Suddenly, a huntsman bursts through the door and cuts the grandmother out of the wolf’s stomach, saving the grandmother and killing the wolf. The theme to this story is children should always listen to their parents. Nevertheless, in the 2006 version of Red Riding Hood, Red disobeys her mother. This hardheaded decision leads to many catastrophic and unnecessary events, to occur. The theme of the 2006 version adheres to the fairytale version’s theme that children should always listen to their parents. In contrast, the theme of the 2011 version greatly differs. The main message in this movie is even those closest to us can never be fully trusted. Valerie never expected the wolf to be her own father; when she learned this information and her father’s plan, she was forced to kill

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