Materialism and Fatherhood: A Personal Perspective

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Red Power Ranger and the Fruit Bat begins with an in depth look towards the author’s contempt for the materialistic society and dramatically shifts towards an anecdote surrounding the joy of the little time he gets to have with his son. The main purpose of this anecdote was for Thomas Bierowski to show us how much more valuable the relationship between a father and son is than materialistic things purchased with money such as cards and private schools . The main purpose is most obviously shown through the juxtaposition between before Thomas Bierowski picks up his son and after he picks up his son.
While waiting for his son he smiles when he views the person in the car behind him shocked at the placard that says “WEALTH IS A DISEASE” (Bierowski 235). Smiling at the shock of the woman behind him, demonstrates the author’s view towards the other parents, and demonstrate his own point of view towards money. He smiles seeing the woman respond negatively to the placard in belief that the woman driving a hummer, a generally expensive car, is based on …show more content…

An example of this change in tone is when he says “Woah Ethan, you’re too much, man. Easy on the horn, OK?” (Bierowski 237). Addressing his son as “man” is extremely different to the way Bierowski would have initially been expected to address someone, especially his son. His sardonic and formal tone prepare us to see Bierowski call him son, child, or just by his name, but the emotions he feels when with his son, out of ecstasy and joy caused him to disregard the usual formality presented before he picked up his son. Initially too self conscious to speak in such colloquial language, his son being with him also presents the freedom to be himself to someone who doesn’t care how ornate or convoluted his thoughts

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