Reality In The Great Gatsby

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“I believe in looking reality straight in the eye and denying it” Garrison Keillor, conveys his view that people refuse to accept what is really happening, most often because they want the reality to be different. In The Great Gatsby by F.Scott Fitzgerald, Jay Gatsby portrays this trait by ignoring what was actually happening and pursuing his unrealistic dreams. He was ignorant to reality particularly when he decided to spend five years obsessing over Daisy, and also when he doesn’t think twice about Daisy failing to contact him in multiple situations. Through the decisions of Gatsby, Fitzgerald portrays his agreement that some people look straight in the eye of reality and refuse to accept it. While Daisy has been living her life for five Gatsby ignored the fact that he was new money and fell in love with Daisy “with a creative passion adding to it all the time, decking it out with every bright feather that drifted his way” (Fitzgerald 95). He fabricated an obsession with Daisy and it did not concern him that he was in a different social class because he was blinded by love and obsession. When Daisy got home, after killing Myrtle, Gatsby waited outside her window because he was afraid Tom might get violent; Gatsby tells Nick, “I want to wait here till Daisy goes to bed” (Fitzgerald 145). This demonstrate Gatsby's insistence even though Daisy doesn’t make any effort to contact him after the car crash, Gatsby's finds it fitting to sit outside her house and protect her. Also taking into account that she went home with her husband and is talking to him. Tom will have a chance to convince her to stop her relationship with Gatsby while Daisy doesn’t even give Gatsby a chance to convince her otherwise. Gatsby believes Daisy will call after all that happened, Nick depicts that, “No telephone message arrived, but the butler went without his sleep and waited for it until four o'clock” (Fitzgerald 161). Gatsby hangs on to the hope of still being with Daisy regardless of her not returning his calls. He even leaves his phone line open all day just in case she calls. During the

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