Real Life Challenges In Christopher Boone

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The world is a dangerous place in the eyes of Christopher Boone, as he sets rules to overcome his obstacles. Have you ever wondered how autistic people experience the world? Many people with autism have obstacles that they encounter in their everyday lives, just like Christopher. A study has revealed that people with high functioning autism, “their nervous systems are constantly overwhelmed by the sensory input their bodies receive.” (Albano,8) This explains the real life situations that autistic people go through. Society perceives Christopher as a regular 15 year old boy. He faces many challenges as he sees the world in a logical order. Growing up and living with autism, Christopher overcomes the various obstacles he faces, he gains confidence in his abilities as he encounters many issues dealing with his family, issues with the outside world and also himself
Although society never explicitly describe Christopher as “not normal”, they mainly perceive him as a normal teenager which might not meet the expectations of Christopher. Christopher’s condition has led him to be frightened of strangers and he does not like being physically touched. He goes through many emotions which causes him to behave in an impolite way. “The policeman took hold of my arm and lifted me onto my feet. I didn’t like him touching me like this. And this is when I hit him.”(Haddon, 8) Although Christopher states at one point he likes policemen, he hits him as an involuntary action. This is because he dislikes being touched especially in a forceful way. Hitting the policeman was like an automatic reflex action to Christopher. One of Christopher’s many fears is communicating with strangers. This makes it difficult for him to ask someone for directions, make fr...

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...uld have previously thought impossible.
Even though Christopher came upon many difficulties involving society, his family and his limitations with himself, he overcomes these fears and learns to gain confidence of his abilities. Haddon has successfully shown Christopher’s challenges that he comes across, which he can overcome although he as aspergers autism. It doesn't stop Christopher from achieving his goals. Although the world is a dangerous place to Christopher, who sees danger in anything and everything that is unfamiliar to him, he conquers his disadvantages. In addition he can defeat his fears and discover various secrets. By organizing the world around him the way he wanted, Christopher felt safer and secure. As Christopher overcome his disabilities and obstacles, even though he faces limitations he shows that he can achieve any goals he sets for himself.

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