Ray Bradbury's There Will Come Soft Rain

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In Ray Bradbury’s poem, “There Will Come Soft Rains”, there is a futuristic house that is capable of doing all of the daily household chores for the homeowner. Bradbury uses diction to paint a picture in the reader’s mind. The first example of this is, “clicked”, “slammed”, “sang”, “echoing”, and “chimed” (Bradbury 1). Bradbury expertly uses these specific words to show that the house is very mechanical and in its work, it makes lots of noise. Normal houses do not usually make extraneous amounts of noise, but since it is a mechanical futuristic house it makes noise while it is doing the housework more than a normal house would typically make. Another example is, “rubble”, “ashes”, “left standing”, and “ruined city” (Bradbury 1). Bradbury’s

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