Ray Bradbury's The Small Assassin

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Ray Bradbury astounded the reading world with his amazing science-fiction novels and short stories. Ray Bradbury uses, in his writings, what could be a normal, and happy story, and twists it into something that can only be perceived as creepy, and horrific. For example, in The Small Assassin, the story is about a family who has a baby enter their lives, and Bradbury makes the short story, instead of a happy story about a new family, into one about the baby being the devil or Lucifer and killing both his parents at just three weeks old. His short stories have you asking the question, “How did he come up with this?” When The Small Assassin was adapted into a Ray Bradbury’s Theater, which was like a T.V. show, many changes were made that you would not even think of if you haven’t read/watched both. One of the changes from the short story to the adapted TV version was how the parents died. In the short story version, the dad, David Leiber, is found by the psychiatrist, Jeffers, “laying motionless on the bed, while the room billowed with gas” (Bradbury 13). But, in the TV show version, he dies from falling down the stairs. I don’t know if they just didn’t have enough time to write that whole part out or what happened, but they do not line up. Nor …show more content…

To have his works adapted into a TV is truly one author that has had great works. There are, however, many differences between the short stories I have read and the TV shows they were transformed into. Some of them were very small and minimal, not noticed, but others were hard to miss. Despite them though, the stories, while disturbing, were very well-written and concise, and the TV shows were very favorable as well. Ray Bradbury will go down in history as not only the man who many look up to for his amazing short stories and novels, but the way his TV shows made them come

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