Rat Park Essay

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Yasmine Zazi
Essay 2: Diagnosis/ Addiction
Question 2: What is the nature of addiction?
In “Rat Park”, Slater discusses the debate on the nature of addiction. Bruce Alexander argues that drug addiction is not caused by physical dependence or chemical alteration to the brain; instead, he says other factors play a role, and he makes several conclusions about the nature of addiction based on his studies. I agree with Bruce Alexander’s theory of addiction because I believe environmental factors can cause drug abuse. For example, a peer group that encourages drug use will play a role in using drugs.

Many people use drugs to deal with painful psychological feelings because they think it’s a solution, when it’s actually a problem. Environmental factors can also make it harder for the addict when he/she tries to recover because they …show more content…

Having stress, experiencing early physical or sexual abuse, witnessing violence, being around peers who use drugs and drug availability are all environmental factors that can cause drug addiction. Peer pressure is a very strong factor for younger people in starting to use and abuse drugs. People who are addicted can quit once they are in a different environment. Rats in the small cages stopped taking the drugs when they were introduced into the society of the “rat park”. Rats in the cramped, isolated and saddening cages had no better alternatives for enjoyment other than drug use.

Another example of how your environment affects drug addiction is by looking at the Vietnam vets on how they stopped using the drugs after coming back from war. U.S. servicemen in Vietnam were addicted to heroin which is the most addictive substance produced. Heroin is a very powerful narcotic because when someone becomes addicted, it is almost impossible to quit. When the Vietnam vets returned to their lives in the U.S., the number of soldiers that were addicted to heroin became very

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