Rape On College Campuses

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On college campuses, students are stepping forward to report several incidents of sexual assault. Rape is one of the more extreme acts of sexual assault due to its violent nature. “The immorality of rape derives from its being an extreme violation of a person’s body, of their right not to be humiliated, and of the general moral prohibition against using other persons against their will, not from the fact that it is a sexual act” (Vaughn 391). On several occasions, there have been reports that college athletes are raping students. According to psychologist Sarah Desmarais, in 2016, a study found that 54.3% of college athletes admitted to coercing their partners into having sex. Unfortunately, this number is not reflective to the amount of rape crimes committed against students on campus that didn’t report the act. We cannot continue to ignore these rape crimes that are committed by these athletes. A college athlete’s status should not determine his or her innocence in a serious crime. Until we solve this growing problem, innocent people will continue to be harassed and humiliated by the accused. …show more content…

One-in-three of these assaults are carried out by college athletes. After a sexual act has been committed, it is up to victim to come forward and report that crime. Unfortunately, sexual assault is an extremely underreported crime. Most victims do not come forward because they fear that their reputations will be at stake. The victims live in fear that their identities will be exposed, which could subject him or her to the wrath of the accused athletes and their fans. Their fear of humiliation and torment is the reason an average of 80% of sexual assaults on campus are not reported (Kamisar). They will continue to live this way until there are guaranteed their safety, despite their social status and

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