Rap Music Argumentative Essay

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In 2016 as a minority in America we are facing the same discrimination our ancestor faces just in a new forms. Every year more minority are being locked up for longer sentences than ever before. Rap music came into existences in the 1970’s deriving from rock n roll, Jazz, Blues and R&B. The Hip Hop industry and lifestyle quickly began to sweep across America allowing everyone with ears to hear the new funky music. With this movement came problems that no one could’ve for seen. Rap music from its birth always had a negative view towards it. People became fearful and that allowed for rap music to face scrutiny and hardship that we still fill the effect of today. In the late 80’s and early 90’s when Hip Hop was first coming onto the scene no one thought that it would be around. Many of the music company thought it was fade that would phase out in a matter of time. Hip Hop is Mc’ing, DJ’ing, Break dancing and well as Graffiti. The people who fell in love with Hip Hop came from all different backgrounds and brought people together. Acts like Zulu Nation, Public Enemy and KRS-One brought a social …show more content…

It allows us to question our political leader even when they’re wrong without fear or repercussions. The question should rap music be used as evidence in court. The real question should be is it Art or Evidence. Art is the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power. Art is in the eye of the beholder who are we to say that someone lyric is not art just because the beauty in it is dark. Evidence is the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid. Having the person lyrics whether good or bad allows the lawyer to cast whatever picture he want to portray about the person who wrote or rap

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