Randomized Controlled Trial

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The journal I read was Individual Music Therapy for Depression: randomized controlled trial. The idea of this trial was to try to understand weather music therapy and long side of standard care is beneficial or not. At the time the most common treatment for depression was medication and psychotherapy. In the past there have been studies done on the efficiency of music therapy and they concluded that it was beneficial. However only one study was done were the participants were apart of the working class. Due to that this study limited its participants to only those of the working class in order to collect more research on the effects of music therapy on this group of people. In this study there were two types of therapies: Standard care or Music Therapy. Standard care consisted of 5 to 6 private therapy sessions conducted by a nurse trained in depression counseling. Music therapy was a total of 20 sessions each one lasting about an hour conducted by professionals in music therapy. Music therapy can be done in a variety of …show more content…

Each of the participants were diagnosed with unipolar depression. Anyone that fit this description was able to be apart of the study regardless if they were on medication or not and no musical background was necessary. The participants were randomly assigned standard care or music therapy, the ration being seven music therapy participants to every 10 standard care participants. The researchers met with the participants on two occasions. The first occasion was at the 3-month mark, which took place directly after the music therapy was introduced. The second occasion was at the 6-month mark which was after the treatment had ended. In this experiment the assessing researcher was unaware of which group each participant came from and the assessment took place at a different

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