Raising The Driving Age Essay

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Don’t you just hate being in the same place for hours while getting slapped by the sun? Imagine getting out of work and having to wait in traffic for hours and hours. That is very frustrating. However, that can change by raising the legal driving age. As of now, the legal driving age is eighteen years old. By raising this number to twenty-one, accidents, congestion, and pollution will decrease. Most teenagers seem to be irresponsible and immature. Many benefits will come about with an increase in the legal driving age, not only for the young people, but for everyone. Those who are waiting to turn eighteen to drive could wait three more years to be able to drive, if the law were to be implemented. In the United States, many teen deaths are caused by car accidents. Teenagers are too immature and irresponsible to be driving. As soon as they get their license they go out there and act very recklessly. Why? Because they think that by driving fast or racing is “cool.” According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, “Among passenger vehicle drivers age 16-19 involved in fatal crashes in 2012, 48 percent were involved in single vehicle crashes.” This …show more content…

Not all pollution is caused by cars, but according to a study by Michael Graham Richard, “25% of cars are casing 90% of the air pollution we breathe.” One way to reduce some of that pollution is by increasing the age limit for drivers. There will be less people using vehicle that emit detrimental chemicals. The percentage of pollution caused by cars will decrease if less people are able to drive. It would be way better if those teens who wish to drive were to ride a bike or just walk to a place. Decreasing the pollution caused by cars will also decrease the chances of people getting sick from those chemicals. The environment is very important and therefore it should be very well taken care of. Trying to decrease pollution in this way can be very

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