Radley Racism Quotes

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Racism in Maycomb “You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view – until you climb into his skin and walk around in it” (Lee 39). The previous quote is from To Kill a Mockingbird and the author Harper Lee is showing how people will judge in the world without positively knowing the person’s life or story. In her novel To Kill a Mockingbird Harper Lee portrays racial prejudice with characters making different negative assumptions mostly towards African Americans. Unfamiliarity and misjudgment quickens the views of racism. After the kids were escaping the Radley’s yard, Nathan Radley was being racially prejudiced when he misinterpreted to Miss Maudie and Stephanie Crawford that an African American had entered his yard. “’What happened?’ asked Jem, ‘Mr. Radley shot at a Negro in his collard patch’” (Lee 72). This is when Nathan Radley assumed it was an African American that trespassed into his yard, but it was really the whites. This shows how he jumped to conclusions that it was an African American because there was slaves and runaway slaves back then. Their judgment in the book is the worst when they say it was a “Negro” instead of investigating and realizing it was the people that were in their face, Jem, Scout, and Dill. This judgement continues with negative comments towards the Finches. Atticus and his children …show more content…

Back then, people would assume African Americans were the only ones who caused trouble, considered as “trash”, and did not deserve as much as whites did. Now, will you continue this wrong doing of treating people as if your life is far more precious or valuable than another human being, just like you, or be the change in this world and do what is right? The right is treating every human being on this earth with equality, respect, and how their life is as valuable as

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