Radio Telescope Essay

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The first parabolic radio telescope was an astronomical instrument invented by Grote Reber in 1937. He was the first to create a telescope that would be able to see radio wavelengths, rather than visible light. The electromagnetic spectrum is made up of six parts: (1) Gamma Rays, (2) X-Rays, (3) Ultraviolet, (4) Visible Light, (5) Infrared, and (6) Radio waves. Radio waves have longer wavelengths than the rest of the wavelengths in the electromagnetic spectrum. They range anywhere from a few centimeters to several kilometers. Visible light is the most studied part of the electromagnetic spectrum and is known for having short wavelengths. Grote Reber built his first parabolic radio telescopes with a unique dish shape in his backyard using the work of Karl Jansky as inspiration. …show more content…

Radio reflectors are the most common type of radio telescopes, with a dish, also known as a parabolic antenna. The parabolic element of the radio telescopes is similar to the reflecting telescopes that study visible light. They work in similar ways with a receiver that converts into electrical signals. Radio telescopes, if used properly, are only used from cities in remote valleys away from any possible interference in the radio waves.
The two main parts of a radio telescope are the antenna system and the radio receiver. The antenna system is used to detect radio-frequency radiation that comes from extraterrestrial sources. The radio receiver, also known as a radiometer, is extremely sensitive and takes the radio waves that are received by the antenna and converts them into electrical signals. Radio receivers must be kept a freezing temperatures or below in order to reduce

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