Racism In Today's Society

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Runion 1
Marissa Runion
Trent Hudley
English 121
12 November 2014

Defining The Concept of Racism
What comes to your mind when you think of racism? Abuse? Harassment? When I think of Racism, i think of always being judged by how I look or where I come from. Nobody should be put down for his or her color of skin or background. We are all different and unique in our own special ways. We have rights just like everyone else and we all derive to be treated equally, and with dignity and respect. Racism is a huge issue in today’s society. Many people get hurtful comments thrown at them and oftentimes, violence occurs. It beats down your self-esteem and you feel like you’re not worthy. In this paper, I will be discussing racial profiling, judgment, …show more content…

It doesn’t matter who you are, where you live, where you come from, what job you work in, you are bound to have dealt with racism sometime in your life because racism exists everywhere. Racism has been around for decades, but in today’s society hatred towards minorities has increased dramatically. One aspect of racism is Stereotyping. What is Stereotyping? Well, Stereotyping is where people make biased opinions or remarks based on what they see or hear. For instance many people stereotype blacks as dumb, lazy, and susceptible to violence and crime because they are gangsters and they live in the hood. The Prejudice to black people started in the early 50’s, many places or objects where sectioned off such as classrooms in school, bathrooms, and water fountains. Black people were treated like nothing, like they weren’t worthy and they were often labeled as slaves and not being superior to whites. Not all blacks are stupid or lazy or gangsters, we just assume they are by the way they look, dress, or …show more content…

Many people are judged on the sole purpose of their skin color or what kind of nationality they are. You could be white, yellow, brown, black or Chinese, American, Mexican, it doesn’t matter because you will get hateful comments thrown at you from all over the place. For example, my mother and my father would get judged all the time by my grandmother. My grandmother was a very strong willed person and she wasn’t racist but she did have a lot of opinions about everything. My mother would take my father over to meet my grandmother and she would often gawk and exclaim to my mother “Why are you with him? He’s American and he’s white! You need a Mexican boy! This isn’t right I don’t approve.” She would often respond by saying “ Why should it matter whom I choose to be with? Why does it matter if he’s American or if he’s white? I love him and that’s all that matters to me”. My Grandmother would state this comment because to her you had to have everything be the same. She was raised to be with one race and one race only, her own kind. If you let the other races in you were often shunned or would face the consequences. She thought it was odd to mix the races and not be with someone of your same background. She couldn’t accept different types of people she could only accept the people around her and no one else was let

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