Racism In The Movie Niceville Essay

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Racism. What exactly is racism? To be short and fair it is when you discriminate another human being for their race because you feel like your own race is the superior one. It is usually connected to black and white people since these two races has the biggest history together but it can really be any discrimination to any race. It can be about asians, europeans and so on but I will keep my focus on the colored people, also referred as black people.

In school we recently watched a movie called Niceville and racism is the main theme. It is a story about a colored woman named Aibileen Clark who works as a maid for a white family. In the movie you notice how the black people got sorted out from the society and the white people were the superior …show more content…

The bus part was something I could compare with a woman named Rosa Parks who year 1955 refused to give up her seat for a white man according to history.com. If something like this would have happened in today's society it would not have been the colored woman that would have getting a punishment but the white person but back in the middle 90's it was different. A person with colored skin should not stand up for her/himself against a superior race. The white people had the power between the 1600's to late 1900's. I guess even this even can be connected to the movie at the part when Minny Jackson, Aibileen's friend, stood up for herself against Hilly Holbrook. Hilly was the woman that Minny worked for and after Minny repeatedly had been treated badly she finally decided to stand up for herself. If something like this happened in today's society it wouldn't be the same way. Even though racism still exist in our modern age it is still something that exist, but it is not nearly as acceptable anymore. If you would see a white man tell a black man to move because he want to sit down, then you would get mad at the white man, would you

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