Racial Profiling by Police

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There are many types of racism in America that cause people to make accusations against law enforcement for discrimination. One type of racism is racial profiling. It is a strategy that encourages police officers to stop and question minorities only because of their race. It takes place in a variety of routine police encounters. Unmotivated searches occur everyday among the minority groups. Could you imagine waking up and being scared to walk outside your house because of the color of your skin? This is a fear of almost everyone belonging to a minority group. This continues to be a widespread problem throughout the country.

This type of racism is a fairly new system that police began to use in the times of segregation. It was a way that police were able to harass minorities and others to create an excuse for arresting people. They would make false statements about people that they arrested and often planted evidence such as weapons or drugs on their suspects. Many police officers do not pay attention to how educated you are; they only look at the color of your skin and the kind of car you are driving in some cases. As a result of this they automatically assume that you are doing something with bad intentions.

Racial profiling was fueled by the "War on Drugs"(Graham 3). It took off in the 1980's when they exposed the explosion of crack cocaine in inner city neighborhoods. This encouraged the view of drugs as a black problem. Despite the civil rights victories of thirty years ago, racial prejudice is still reflected throughout the criminal justice system. Police started using this racism to clear neighborhoods of drug related offenses caused by African-Americans. The use of race to determine which ...

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... more drug arrests and are partly to blame for this.

There are many effects of racial profiling that police use as an excuse to demonstrate racism against minorities. These racist acts often leave everlasting effects on people in horrible ways and sometimes leave them struggling for their lives. This is a growing concern in many areas around the United States. As a nation something needs to be done to fight back.

Works Cited

Abraham and Barbara Graham. The Supreme Court, Race, and Civil Rights London: Sage Publications Inc. 2011

Feldstein, Dan. "City's Plan to Probe Racial Profiling Flawed." Racial Profiling 19 Sept. 2013 http://www.kpoa.org/news1.htm

McWhirter, Darien. Exploring the Constitution Series Arizona: The Orynx Press. 2011

Racial Profiling 19 Sept. 2013


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