Racial Profiling after 9/11

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It has been 3 years since the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center Towers on September 11, 2001. After two commercial airplanes were hijacked by members of the Al-Qaeda, both planes plundered through the towers, leaving nothing but the remains of the collapsed towers. Devastated by the thousands and maybe millions of people that were killed, America was under attack by terrorists.

Al-Qaeda is a well-known global terrorist network that originated in Islam and is led by the man name Osama bin Laden. Ever since 9/11, security has been an issue for congress and the president himself. Homeland security is the first of its kind to be developed; it is the basis or motherboard of all security that protects us within our nation.

What about people who are not Americans arriving to the United States? There should be more restrictive immigration policies because the group that attacked the World Trade Towers was foreigners, immigrants. People who are tan skinned, black hair, do not speak English, have an accent, and are not white skinned are usually people that get looked do...

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