Racial Hierarchies In Fresh Off The Boat And Aziz Ansari

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Eddie Huang’s pilot episode of Fresh off the Boat and Aziz Ansari’s episode “Indians on TV” in Master of None both are able represent how racial hierarchies are always present in society. Throughout history racial hierarchies have always been prevalent in constantly establishing white supremacy. Meaning that some racial group, is superior to that of the others around them. Fresh off the Boat is a show about a Taiwanese family emerging into the culture of Orlando, Florida during the 90’s. Master of None is based up a 30-year old actor in New York, Dev, played by the creator Aziz Ansari, who is simply trying to make it in the modern, multicultural city. Seeing how Master of None is based around south Asian culture while Fresh off the Boat is …show more content…

He simply aspires to be friends with the white kids because he feels their racial hierarchy will get him somewhere. The use of racial slurs from both ends, and Eddie’s reaction to only one ends shows how the status of White people in a minorities eyes influences reactions in society. Racial slurs in general are designed to insult others on the basis of race, ethnicity, or nationality. From Eddies standpoint, hearing a racial slur from Edgar comes off worse because Edgar is also a minority and can relate to the societal hierarchy seen from white culture. While hearing one of the white “popular kids” use a slur term is more expected. Eddie feels that confrontation to the white kids will get him nowhere and won’t get any message across. It’s a complex situation that hits home because it plays out like it would in real life in this scene. That is, no humor, we see how much the word Edgar said impacted him and outraged him. Eddie simply responds this way because of white supremacy seen in society

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