Race The House We Live In Essay

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How did federal housing policies institutionalize segregation and wealth disparities?

- The federal housing underwriters warn housing developers that the presence of black families in the area would depreciate the value of the property and neighborhood and established a national housing appraisal system that had race play a factor with "real estate assessments". In, Race the House we Live In, a documentary presented by California Newsreel, Melvin Oliver, Sociologist explains because of these characteristics the white suburban neighborhoods (green areas) flourished as properties appreciated in value providing these families net-worth for growing, while the areas that were majority colored or in the process of changing (redlined areas) development …show more content…

it doesn't even look it's the same city .In The Racist Housing Policy That Made Your Neighborhood by Alexis Madrigal, she states, "I stared and stared at the map of the East Bay because I could see the marks of this discrimination all over the city. My little neighborhood sits right next to a block of red, in a yellow strip, and near a swath of blue. It was an in-between zone, and it still feels that way. Go a few blocks west (downhill) and the neighborhoods are primarily black. Go a few blocks east (into the hills) and the neighborhoods are almost exclusively white." That's exactly how I feel its crazy that with all this information and all this injustice that is going on, that we still allow it to go on. I have a child and I want to be able to provide him with all the opportunities this world has to offer, but from this articles, it doesn't seem like hard work will be enough I need to either change my skin color or some into an abundance of

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