Race In America Analysis

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Throughout this course my perspective towards race has taken a complete turn. Three concepts that contributed to such a drastic change include race as a social construct, the creation of race just being a fear of the unknown, and how race is made up to make others feel inferior. Race as a social construct simply means that it is not biologically real; race is an illusion constructed by society. The concept of race being a fear of the unknown dates back to colonization time from 1492-1763; when explorers from all over Europe were coming to the Americas and discovered what they soon called Indians. The concept that race was created to make others feel inferior is simply another way to say that whites created race to feel superior. It has been …show more content…

Dr. Hall’s lecture, JanMohamed “The Economy of Manichean Allegory”, and Natalia Molina’s “How Race is Made in America” all aid support and better explain the three concepts given above. The lecture given by Dr. Hall was intriguing because he spoke about the two types of racism, accidental racism and intentional racism. He explained how he believes that most of the racism that exists in the world accidental racism. Accidental racism occurs when people are not well informed or culturally diverse enough. How all they truly know about other cultures is the bad that the media captures or what they see in movies. Supporting the concept of race being a fear of the unknown. JanMohamed’s reading helped me understand how race was nothing more than a social construct. The piece of literature starts by …show more content…

Science can be used both to substantiate and discredit race; but forensic anthropologists believe that race is a real and biological construct. Due to the fact that they can tell different races apart by the shape of their skull. The key part of the skull that makes it possible to tell race are the mouth, the palate and palatine suture, the nose, and the mastoid. This science does have its limit, for it can only tell if a person is Caucasian, Mongolian, or Negroid. Since the beginning or time race has existed. It can be traced back to 800 B.C. and 500 B.C to Ancient Greece. They would categorize people by their phenotypes. They would assign them to different groups/races, which would include slaves. Even before America was colonized, there was already numerous amounts of countries and races all over Europe. One of the many things that we learned in class is that race was a concept carried through literature. It started with Christopher Columbus when he named the natives of the new land Indians. When he described then he said they were like animals and they would be good servants. So when Hernan Cortez came to the Americas he followed the same scriptures that have been passed down through literature.
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There are so many reasons why race matters in America. Race matters because all humans are equal, and we should all have equal opportunities that are unjudged by race or better

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