Quotes For Oedipus Rex

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Thesis: Oedipus quest for truth reveals his tragic identity.

R1: At the beginning of the story, oedipus pursues the truth about laius’ murder. Laius was the king back when he was alive, mysteriously he was killed. Oedipus became the king after defeating the sphinx. Oedipus has no idea about laius.“ He was murdered and now apollo demands that the culprits be caught and punished.”(3) Creon explains to oedipus. The murderers must be caught in order for the city to be safe.
“Men of thebes, even if the god does not reveal the killer's identity, you cannot keep secrets hidden in the dark. The oracle has spoken: we are charged with finding the murderer of your slain king! Search for him everywhere! Here i am, sitting upon his throne; …show more content…

A past that oedipus has never known before. “I need to know whose womb carried me..” Oedipus said. I chose that quote because it shows how desperate he is to find out the truth. “I found you in the crogs of the mountain at kithairon..” Said the shepard oedipus called over to receive answers. I chose that quote because it shows that he ends up getting the answers he didn't really want in the beginning.

R3: By the end of the play, Oedipus comes face to face to the truth of his identity. “O, how gruesomely clear it has all unravelled! O light! Let me enjoy you for one last time. One last time from the time i was born: for i was born from the wrong parent, i was bonded with the wrong people, and i’ve killed those i should never have killed.” Oedipus said. I mentioned this quote because it shows how much dread he is feeling because of the horrifying truth.
“Buts what left for me to see, but the suffering that must be inflicted on my children, by brothers and sisters? Come friends, take me out of here, as quickly as possible. Take me, utter wretch, the worst cursed, the most hated of all mortals.” Said oedipus. I chose this because it mentions how oedipus wants to be banned and sent away because he's so embarrassed of

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