Queen Elizabeth I Research Paper

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Elizabeth I was born on the seventh of September 1533 at the Palace of Placentia in Greenwich, England. She was the daughter of King Henry VIII (1491-1547) and his second wife who was once his mistress, Anne Boleyn (1507-1536). However, after speculation of adultery, incest, and high treason, Anne’s marriage to the king was annulled and she was executed. This ultimately declared the young Elizabeth illegitimate. Her father remarried to Jane Seymour (1508-1537), who gave birth to a male heir named Edward VI (1537-1553). By the age of nine years old, Edward was placed successor to the throne after the death of Henry VIII. Unfortunately, he became terminally ill at the age of fifteen and passed away. He named Lady Jane Dudley; his first cousin …show more content…

He pressured for a divorce because his wife was incapable of producing an heir to the throne. But according to the Roman Catholic Church that followed the law of the land by a code known as the “Canon Law.” Due to strict jurisdiction, Henry was denied a divorce by the pope on the basis of canonical impediment. However, the pope’s reasoning for denying the king was as well strongly out of his fear of Catherine’s nephew, Charles V (1500-1558) who was the ferocious Holy Roman Emperor at the time. Second, Anne Boleyn (Elizabeth’s mother) also captivated him; she pressured him into such a position as defying the church because she wanted to become the Queen of England. The combination of both factors contributed to his divide from the Catholic Church to which he had been devoted to his entire life. He summoned the English parliament that consisted of others who wanted reform to transpire new methods to achieve their desires. This gave them the name well known as the Reformation Parliament. Together they struggled and made little to no progress with the annulment, henry became less patient over time. Henry resulted to act immediately by charging the English clergy with praemunire, a law that prohibited the assertion of …show more content…

After various complications Anne Boleyn and King Henry married, and later that year gave birth to the future queen of England, princess Elizabeth. Due to the king’s actions he then excommunicated Henry from the Roman Catholic Church. So forth Henry and his parliament passed more legislation to ensure his complete authority over England the people of his country, weakening the powers of the Roman Catholic Church and the pope. Much reform occurred during the reign of his third child, Edward VI, who was strictly raised as a Protestant. He inherited the throne by the age of nine years old, however was too young. Ultimately leaving his uncle Edward Seymour as lord protector until Edward was to reach the age of eighteen years old. After Mary I dealt with the intrusion of Lady Jane Seymour on her throne, she had her executed that year and began her embark on the country. Mary’s objectives as queen were clear, she planned to restore the faith once damaged by her father and brother, by reintroducing the catholic faith by which she was raised as well as papal supremacy, which most of parliament were skeptic to adhere. She reestablished mass at the castle and urged her sister, Elizabeth to convert. Fear ran through her mind that her sister was to succeed her because of the rumors

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