Essay On Quantum Entanglement

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Abstract Quantum entanglement is when two or more particles interact with each other in such a way that you cannot describe one particle without mentioning the other particle or particles. When these particles become entangled, we are able to observe and measure certain traits of one, and know, with certainty, the traits of the others across negligible distances. However, there are drawbacks. For example, only one trait can be measured at a given time. If the velocity of a photon was measured, it is impossible to simultaneously measure the spin of the entangled photon.1,2 The theory of quantum entanglement has been prevalent since it was first discovered by Albert Einstein, published in a 1935 paper written with Boris Podolsky and Nathan Rosen titled “EPR Paradox”, and expanded upon soon after by Erwin Schrödinger in a paper titled “Entanglement”.3 Today, quantum entanglement, along with quantum theory, is one of the most researched topics in physics. There are currently applications in of quantum entanglement in quantum cryptography, quantum computing and superdense coding, as well as even teleportation. Keywords: quantum entanglement, quantum theory, photon, causality, quantum cryptography, uncertainty …show more content…

Experiments testing this theory have been happening since the 1990s. So far, though, teleportation has only been achieved for single particles at a time. At first, the teleportation experiments were just short distances: across a lab table, for example. Scientist would entangle two particles, usually using a laser shined through a crystal, and then set the particles at opposite sides of the table. The basis of the experiment is to essentially “download” all the information of the first particle, and then send that information through the quantum link. The second particle then adopts every aspect of the first one, achieving

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