Putting The Holocaust In Middle Schools Essay

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Putting the Holocaust in Middle School Curriculum Imagine never knowing about or having a good understanding of 9/11, it affected thousands of people and their families and it will continue to affect people for years to come. What if no one gave you good insight and understanding of this horrible day, leaving your only outlet being the people who were there, have a biased opinion and a vague understanding. Now imagine that times one thousand, way more people affected and a lot more people involved. What do you do? Take the rumors and go with that? Seek answers so our history does not burn out because of someone's feelings or confusion from teachings at home? Do we give our youth the needed knowledge to educate and culture them or do we shelter …show more content…

The school sued him for not only withholding knowledge, but misteaching the students. The case went all the way to the Supreme Court of Canada, the main point in the teacher’s case was that he had freedom of speech and religious beliefs, but is that the same thing as withholding knowledge and teaching solely off of personal opinions. Have you ever wondered why your parents wanted to keep secrets from you like Santa Claus or the Tooth Fairy? Well it is to keep your innocence, but is that the same thing as withholding knowledge from a completely grown and ready child? Not easing kids into the Holocaust from a young age is almost sinister in the mindset that, having them think of it as a glorified dictatorship, or coming up with worse things than what actually happened, both of which are not acceptable. Giving the Holocaust the facade that it was a minor event in history does not help anyone. By giving children the basics and political standpoints behind the Holocaust at a young age, and then gradually releasing all of the information later, it is a more efficient and practical way to teach such a sensitive subject. When dealing with knowledge and the transfer of knowledge, children can only be sheltered for so long until the truth comes out in one way or another, so who is to say what we should and should not give to our next

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