Law Career Essay

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Throughout the past several years, I have been asked what exactly I want to do with my life. In all honesty, my plan has changed several times over the course of that time. However, after much deliberation, I have decided to pursue a law career. Although I cannot say for sure if this will stick, I believe that this is the path that I can best work for God. Overall, a law career is not always painted in the kindest light. There a thousands of stories of lawyers who have represented horrible people or have done terrible deeds in order to win a case. When I first thought about law, I completely disregarded the possibility because I did not want to be that person. Then, I realized that I did not have to be that person. Instead, I could do amazing things with a law degree. There are lawyers who work internationally to improve the lives of other people, who help people in need, and thousands of other people who promote peace instead of violence. That is exactly what made me decide to pursue a law degree. The only downside to this is the amount of money and years it will take to pursue this path. In order to pursue this path, I will need to go on to law school after I finish my undergraduate degree. For the next …show more content…

While I realize that these goals are particularly tough to reach, it is what I want, and if there is only one thing I know about myself, it is that I am stubborn, determined, and a believer in Christ. I truly believe that I will accomplish all of my vocational goals if I keep pushing forward. In seventy years, I wish to look back and see that I have a wonderful family, lasting friendships, and have made an impact on the world in some form or fashion. Overall, I want to make a mark on the world, not for the glory of it, but for the joy I have in helping others. This is what my life would look like if I could paint it right at this

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