Law School Application Essay

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1. Please discuss why you are applying to the Special Program in Law and how you feel your undergraduate studies at UConn will further your interest in law.

Prison, jail, a tedious waste of time. For many students, this is their perspective of school. They don’t see any use for it and are just going through the motions until they graduate. To me, school is a gift that I feel extremely lucky to have. I may complain and bemoan it just as much as the next kid, but deep down, the opportunity to learn, grow and simply experience is something I cherish. I respect my teachers and professors above nearly everyone, and do not know how I could ever repay them for the time they spend to ensure that I am an educated, active, and productive member of society. …show more content…

I was ten, and when asked what I wanted to be when I grew up, Princess and Rock Star were still in the running. However, when I responded with the answer lawyer, I remember feeling a resonating heaviness with that response; as if I’d chosen correctly. Now, nearly eight years later--even after brief stints in engineering and culinary-- I’ve still found my way back to law; albeit an entirely different law than I’d ever imagined …show more content…

Today, when nations label conflicts as “civil wars” instead of genocides because they don’t want to be forced into helping, mass murders and slaughters happen on a weekly basis, and terrorist groups are leading countries with support from western nations, I feel like I can make a difference; and the University’s Law Program can help get me to a place in which I have the knowledge to affect change: to work towards equality, peace, and human

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