Purpose Of Government Essay

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Government Paper
Kyle Isenhower

In this paper, I am going to tell you what the Purposes of the Government are, the Basic Concepts of Democracy and the Principles of the Constitution. After I explain what each of these are individually, I will explain what they have in common and how they all work together.
There are six main Purposes of the Government and they are; form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide common defence, promote general welfare, and to secure the blessings of liberty. The first one I’m going to explain is to form a more perfect union. This meant that they wanted the nation to be as one. To establish justice means that the laws and punishments are fair to everyone. Insure domestic tranquility means that our nation has order and peace. Provide common defense means to protect America from different outside forces. Promote general welfare means as a Nation, we are …show more content…

Any laws, petitions, and ideas, brought up must conform with the seven basic principles. The seven basic principles are; popular sovereignty, republicanism, federalism, separation of powers, balance of power, limited government, and individual rights. Popular sovereignty is the basic idea of democracy. Popular sovereignty means that the people are the source of the leader in the government. Republicanism is a governing system which stresses liberty and rights. Also meaning the right to vote for representatives. Federalism means that the power is shared between the national and state governments. Separation of powers separates the powers in three branches; legislative, executive and judicial. Balance of power is so checks can be made on the other branches. Limited government is a government that has restrictions set on their powers and abilities. Individual rights are the personal freedoms of each individual as defined in the Bill of

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