Psychoanalytical Report: My-Anh Doan

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My-Anh Doan PSYCHOLOGICAL REPORT This is a CONFIDENTIAL report that is intended to be used by professionals. It is not to be passed on to others without the permission of the author and the client. The results are not to be released to the client without the permission of the author or other professional trained in the interpretation of neuropsychological test data. IDENTIFICATION AND REFERRAL: THEODORE TWOMBLY is a 41-year-old English-speaking LA-native divorced white male who was self-referred for a psychological assessment with respect to differential diagnosis. History (Origin/Ethnic/Cultural/Language/Family/Education/Migration Background/ Employment): MR. TWOMBLY was born in and raised in LA and was an only child. He states that he …show more content…

He does not own a car. Housekeeping: He performs house chores on his own after his divorce with his wife. Finances and Money Management: He is in charge of his own finances and is financially responsible. He would occasionally consult with SAMANTHA about certain decisions if he was unsure about something. Medication and Health Care Management: Does not take any medication but would have most likely rely on SAMANTHA for reminders had they been still together. Family Relations: He lives alone but is in contact with his parents who live on the East Coast. Before living alone, he used to live with his OS-girlfriend; and before that, he used to live together with his ex-wife. When describing his relationship with his ex-wife before the divorce, he stated that “they were big influences on each other.” When asked about the cause of the divorce, he stated that it was most likely because “he’d be upset about something and not be able to say it…and [Catherine would] sense that there was something wrong, but he’d deny it.” He describes his more recent relationship with SAMANTHA favorably but also mentions how distressed and panicked he was when he thought that SAMANTHA had left him after an argument one day. He states that he ran around the city to look for SAMANTHA, not paying attention to his surrounding or others. When discussing the reason for his latest breakup, he said that SAMANTHA had been talking to other people while being in a relationship …show more content…

TWOMBLY presents with depressed mood most of the day, nearly every day for at least a year as indicated by his self-reports and the reports of INFORMANT #1. He also reports having a markedly diminished interest or pleasure in almost all activities that he previously enjoyed prior to his divorce nearly every day. When he tries to do other activities in an attempt to revive his pleasure, he finds that he is still unable to enjoy the activity. He reports feelings of emptiness nearly every day. In addition, he reports having low energy every day, but he attributes that to the fact that he has not been able to sleep well nearly every night. He reports feeling like his writing as a professional writer isn’t adequate and reports being occasionally distracted during the work day nearly every day, but not enough that his functioning at work is affected. Altogether, his symptoms have made it difficult for him to maintain normal social functioning, as indicated by his self-reports and reports from INFORMANT #1; he has not been socializing with his friends or coworkers and instead has been secluding himself. MR. TWOMBLY reports no history of any medical condition, psychotic disorder, or substance use as well as no history of having a manic or hypomanic episode. The aforementioned symptoms are in excess of the required number of symptoms to make a diagnosis of major depressive disorder but are manageable and result in a minor impairment in social and occupational function, thus it is

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