Psychlogy Of Fashion

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It has been said that individuals act out the roles that are associated with their identities and positions in society. This statement clearly relates to the case studies provided in the assignment package. It states that we have to look the part to play the part. This is an ingenious statement because what we look like is often controlled by society and it's positions we take. An example would be the career positions that we usually desire to occupy. If we do not own businesses, we tend to want to work for large companies. Such companies, admired by us, are usually image-controlled. Disney employs 32000 people on Orlando and it operates the most obsessive image-control program outside of military. Companies, including Disney want their employees to have proper appearance management in order to look successful.

Conservative attire such as Traditional Business Wear is perceived as the most successful look for an individual. The companies want individuals to act the role of successful employee to display the success and professionalism of the company.

For the reason that we perceive ones who are not playing roles that are associated with their positions in society as being improper and unsafe, we tend not to trust them and be very careful by managing what we do or say around such persons. If an employee is perceived in such a way, the result of the customers' responses will be anything but positive, and the retailer will feel the impact caused by negative feedback towards the employee.

To succeed in today's society most people have to work, and seeking employment is not an easy task, especially if an individual has set high goals for him/her self, but does not know how to manage own appearance and the message becomes unfocused. Since wrong first impressions are irreversible, an individual's knowledge, attitude, character, etc, will not be attention worthy, and therefore, the desired employment will be given to someone with a better wardrobe and personal appearance management. Outcome for that would be that the employers cast by appearance rather then hire. The reason for the employers to enforce the image-control programs now becomes clearly understandable.

A good example taken from the second article of the assignment package would be a woman dressed in masculine attire. We stereotype that woman as someone attracted to the same sex, or a tough woman w...

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...keep up with the changes of fashion trends when the fashionable garments are so expensive? I think they deserve a chance as much as the ones that can afford to look good. Nevertheless, employers have to keep in mind the individuals' lifestyles and legal records in order to prevent theft as well as drug and alcohol influence on the job.

When a job requires opposed interaction with customers the most important facts to consider are hygiene, as well as knowledge and confidence of the product and corporation. Personally, during my working hours I choose to look good as well as feel comfortable. Because if an employee does not feel good about him/her self-the motivation level is lowered significantly and the customers will not accept the opinions of someone that has no desire or patients to dedicate his/her time to the shopper in order to make a purchase. Energy has to be perceived in the retail industry. Unfortunately, not all employers seem to hold these views; instead they care perhaps too much about the fashion perspectives, and this is when individuality is discriminated.

Fashion is truly in the eye of the beholder and should therefore be cherished rather than looked down upon.

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