Psalm 84 Is A Hero's Journey To God

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Over the course of some great activity packed days, I truly missed sitting at the feet of Jesus, meditating on His word and receiving thoughts to ponder on and share. I could definitely agree with the Psalmist that my heart longed to be in the courts of the Lord!
“Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere!”
Psalm 84 is a beautiful Psalm that oozes praise of God. All you have to do is read some of those statements to understand its beauty.
“How lovely is your dwelling place!My soul yearns, even faints, for the courts of the LORD;Blessed are those who dwell in your house.Blessed are those whose strength is in you, who have set their hearts on pilgrimage.Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere;I would rather …show more content…

Apparently, his sons made a spiritual turn-around and one part of the family became the temple doorkeepers and guardians (I Chronicles 9:17, Psalm 84:10), while another part became musicians, singers, and choristers of the temple. Psalms 84-87 and 42-49 were penned by this family. They wrote such powerful passages as, “As the deer pants for the water brooks, so my soul pants for Thee, O God” (Ps 42:1).
What a wonderful expression that is of the excitement created by the presence of God.
These verses chronicle for us how important worship had become to these people. To the sons of Korah, the presence of God was more important than any position they could hold. They would rather be doorkeepers in God’s house than have important positions and security.
As we read this psalm today, we can surely empathise with the psalmist’s love of the temple. But is there anything more here for us? In particular, where are God’s courts today? What, to us, is like the temple for the writer of Psalm 84?
First, when we, as Christians, talk about the dwelling place of God, we learn from the New Testament that we are talking about our bodies. Paul says in First Corinthians 6 that our bodies are the ‘temples’ of the Holy Spirit who lives within

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