Protest Against Industrial Companies

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We should protest against the industrial companies. The food companies have deliberately hidden nutritional facts from us, by saying on their labels “premium” or “natural” or even “pure.” Now if you go to the supermarket there are no bones in the meat and you see fruits and vegetables from different seasons because it was picked early and used ethylene gas to ripen them. There are so many things that they do to our food that we don’t know. Slaughterhouses, pesticides, and billions bushels produced millions of corn that are grown every year. What is sad, about the fact is that 42 million cows are slaughtered every year in the U.S. We don’t need that much food every year. Food companies and big corporations don’t want you to know the truth, making a positive outcome to them of what you're eating, because if you knew, you might not want to eat it.

Cows go Moo for Grass …show more content…

Corns are used to feed cattle’s, Cows evolved to have a low acidic stomach/rumen. “They’re made to eat forage,” Metzen said, “and we’re making them eat grain. “(The New York Times, Power Steer by Michael Pollan) It digests grasses with the aid of bacteria, but the thing is that over thousands of years, cows are used to eat grass. Cows are used to eating grass, not corn. When given corn, the bacteria can't break it down, meaning its bad for the cows. Why? Because it have the worst fatty acid profile of all the grains (which skews the fat balance in the membrane of all animal body cells negatively impacting cell functions) of new bacteria can enter the rumen, causing the cow's diseases. Cows are given antibiotics to save the cow (from dying) but the bacteria can evolve to prevent antibiotics, so meaning it doesn’t do any harm to the bacteria. What if it enters our meat and somebody eats it? You can't give the person antibiotics, scientist have to make another way to fight it. It is kind of like

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