Pros And Cons Of Walmart

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Aesop, an ancient Greek storyteller once said,.“Appearances often are deceiving”. Walmart may have lowered prices for Americans for decades, but when you look passed the yellow smiley face logo, their dulcet slogans, and dig a little deeper into the true facts, Walmart’s true colours are shades of grey.Walmart has been in the United States for a long period of time, nonetheless this flourishing company is quite misleading. Many say this store has helped the economy, and in a way it has, but, in other ways it has not shown to care about the economy, but only the money it’s headquarters receive. Within the article “The Wal-Mart You Don’t Know” by Charles Fishman, the everyday reader will absorb the true facts Walmart doesn’t express for their What we don’t realize, and even if we did, we don’t seem to care, is that we are shopping somewhere that is pushing its suppliers overseas, taking jobs away from the United States, and forcing its suppliers to deform their products into something the company wants to sell. (Fishman 2003). Walmart projects a happy-go-lucky attitude, but Walmart is much more than that, the company itself hides its true colours especially regarding its suppliers. (Fishman, 2003). According to Fishman, “Walmart is legendary for forcing its suppliers to redesign everything from their packaging to their computer systems. It is also legendary for quite straightforwardly telling them what it will pay for their goods” (2003). Not only does Walmart makes their business associates change everything about their suppliers’ products, but they also don’t negotiate what they will pay for their suppliers’ items. Think about it, if Walmart will only pay little for the goods their suppliers will provide, then companies will be forced to move overseas in order to make a decent profit working with Walmart, and what does that create? Yes, job loss and a higher It’s time for Americans to stand up, make our businesses stay in the United States, push our companies to stay American made and not to buy in to Walmart 's Deceiving smiley-face logo. Walmart’s unknown facts are causing illiterate Americans to give into this stratagem. “The Wal-Mart You Don’t Know” by Charles Fishman demonstrates that Walmart cares more about the successfulness of their business in regards to profit rather than the United States’ future. Walmart has caused countless enterprises to go out of the country, has eliminated numerous jobs from the United States, not only in their company, but others’ too because of the constant moving outside of the country. (Fishman 2003). This big cooperation is also making it a norm to move outside of the country and promoting the cheap labor overseas factories behold, making nimble decisions in regards to the whereabouts of their factories. (Traub, 2012). In general, Walmart is continuously and dramatically harming our country and the headquarters are only worried about their profit, Walmart is anything but

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