Pros And Cons Of The Neolithic Revolution

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The Neolithic Revolution is a very conserversial topic. Some people think its the worst descion humans ever made, but on the other hand some think it has many more pros than cons and in the end had a positive outcome. For example, Jared Dimond, the author of “The Worst Mistake in the History of the Human Race,” felt very strongly that the Neolithic Revolution was a very awful descion. Jared Dimond stated, “With agriculture came the gross social and sexual inequality, the disease and despotism, that curse our existence,”(paragraph 1). Overall, he believes that since agriculture forced many people to live an a area together for a long amount of time they were practically forced to make a government system which then led to all different types of inequality that we still face today. On the flip side, the author of, “Beginnings: The Foraging Era,” …show more content…

For example, the author explained that crops provide reliable food supply which led to population growth. Due to population growth life became much more complex for the farmers. They had many more bodies around which inevitably led to societies beacomming more complex as well. This all led to esablishing governments and also leaders which today we know as king and queens. This was the begging of social justice and order. On the flip side, hunting and gathering did not have a government which means they ddi not have as much justice and order. Overall, from what the articles say hunter and gathering lived a survival method life. They hunted their food on a day to day basis and never new when their next meal would be, but farmers always had food ready to go due to the fact that they grew it months in advance. In a nutshell, “Beginings: The foraging Era,” makes an overall much more compelling

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